An image of Kaz's fursona, a gray reptile-like creature with fur, sharp teeth and a blue tongue. Art by @citrangedyke


Hello! I am Kaz, a venezuelan living in Spain and all-around dweeb.
I'm a big fan of voice synthesizers, with Adachi Rei being my favorite! ヽ(・∀・)ノ

I work in the tech industry. When I'm not busy with work I like to translate songs to help others enjoy my favorite music!


An image of Kaz's fursona, a gray reptile-like creature with fur, sharp teeth and a blue tongue. Art by @citrangedyke


VOCALOIDとUTAUファン、足立レイが一番好き!!よろしくねぇ  ヽ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ




Here is an archive of my translations. I want to help share the music of these wonderful producers with people around the world!

If you are the original composer and would like to have a translation removed please message me and I will take it down immediately!

Terms of Use

- The original composers are free to use my translations however they wish!
- Respect each creator's Terms of Use when using my translations.
- Please message me before creating derivative translations based on my work, such as translyrics or translations into other languages.- Credit everyone that contributed to the translation.- Only upload my translations to the vocaloidlyrics wiki through this page so Administrators can correct any mistakes.


海外に音楽を共有するのを手伝いたい一心でやってます  ヽ(・∀・)ノ



- 歌の原作者様は私の翻訳を好きなように使うことができます! ☆- その他の方は原作者様の作品使用規約に従ってください。- 歌の原作者名と翻訳者の名前をクレジットしてください。



作曲: ピクドさん

希死念慮Suicidal Thoughts
希死念慮が止まらねえSuicidal thoughts won't stop,
生活リズムはいつだって二の次the rhythm of daily life always comes second.
首つる縄は用意済みI've already finished preparations to hang myself.
窓の外見りゃもう朝でした(笑)Looking carefully outside the window, it's already early in the morning (lol)

Suicidal Thoughts

"Everyone's song, or everyone's (Utatane) Uta"

Author: picdo

希死念慮Suicidal Thoughts
希死念慮が止まらねえSuicidal thoughts won't stop,
生活リズムはいつだって二の次the rhythm of daily life always comes second.
首つる縄は用意済みI've already finished preparations to hang myself.
窓の外見りゃもう朝でした(笑)Looking carefully outside the window, it's already early in the morning (lol)



作曲: ピクドさん

ライアーライダーLiar Rider
駄菓子屋前の駅ラムネ瓶が転げてるA bottle of Ramune tumbles to the ground in the cheap candy store in front of the train station.
夕方色に染まるビー玉片手フラフラI mess with marbles dyed in evening hues, turning them unsteadily in one hand.
服に着いていたチョークの粉をはらってBrushing off the chalk dust stuck to his clothes,
仮面の奥から奴はニヤニヤ見ていたsome guy watched me and grinned from behind his mask.
呼んでないのに現れるNobody is calling for him, yet he still appears
そんなエゴで突飛で末期な攻防戦さWith that kind of ego, that kind of wild flair, this won't be the last battle for
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
僕はそんな正義大嫌いだ!I hate that kind of justice!
正体絶対不明ミステリアスでスペクトラムHis true identity is utterly obscured! He’s mysterious, a spectrum!
みんなが気になるその正体は!?Everyone is wondering: What is his true identity!?
頭の中巡る洒落た言葉にイライラMy head spins, his witty words are putting me so on edge,
さっき買った駄菓子が不味く思えるほどにはthat the candy I just bought is starting to taste like crap.
ちょっと待った皆様お花畑な皆様Wait a moment everyone! You're all building castles in the sky!
猜疑心ぐらりぐら魅了内容無茶苦茶Suspicions stew, then your charming interior gets all mixed up.
完全無欠パラノイアFlawless paranoia.
なんて不敵楽観ホット妥協は無しさSo fearless, unyielding, hot, uncompromising, it's
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
奴はそんな正義 人気者だEverybody loves that kind of guy.
正義は絶対勝つる!Justice will always prevail!
バイアス等かかり気味だHe seems like the kind of guy who'd be biased.
皆が知らないその正体は!?What is his true identity nobody knows!?
さあさあ呼んでみようC'mon, c'mon, let's try calling him
僕たちの正義のヒーローをOur hero of justice is...!
あなたのヒーローのなまえは?What is your hero's name?
「_ _ _ _ 」「_ _ _ _ 」
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
僕はそんな正義大嫌いだ!I hate that kind of justice!
正体絶対不明ミステリアスでスペクトラムHis true identity is utterly obscured! He’s mysterious, a spectrum!
みんなが気になるその正体は!?Everyone is wondering: What is his true identity!?

Liar Rider


Author: picdo

ライアーライダーLiar Rider
駄菓子屋前の駅ラムネ瓶が転げてるA bottle of Ramune tumbles to the ground in the cheap candy store in front of the train station.
夕方色に染まるビー玉片手フラフラI mess with marbles dyed in evening hues, turning them unsteadily in one hand.
服に着いていたチョークの粉をはらってBrushing off the chalk dust stuck to his clothes,
仮面の奥から奴はニヤニヤ見ていたsome guy watched me and grinned from behind his mask.
呼んでないのに現れるNobody is calling for him, yet he still appears
そんなエゴで突飛で末期な攻防戦さWith that kind of ego, that kind of wild flair, this won't be the last battle for
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
僕はそんな正義大嫌いだ!I hate that kind of justice!
正体絶対不明ミステリアスでスペクトラムHis true identity is utterly obscured! He’s mysterious, a spectrum!
みんなが気になるその正体は!?Everyone is wondering: What is his true identity!?
頭の中巡る洒落た言葉にイライラMy head spins, his witty words are putting me so on edge,
さっき買った駄菓子が不味く思えるほどにはthat the candy I just bought is starting to taste like crap.
ちょっと待った皆様お花畑な皆様Wait a moment everyone! You're all building castles in the sky!
猜疑心ぐらりぐら魅了内容無茶苦茶Suspicions stew, then your charming interior gets all mixed up.
完全無欠パラノイアFlawless paranoia.
なんて不敵楽観ホット妥協は無しさSo fearless, unyielding, hot, uncompromising, it's
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
奴はそんな正義 人気者だEverybody loves that kind of guy.
正義は絶対勝つる!Justice will always prevail!
バイアス等かかり気味だHe seems like the kind of guy who'd be biased.
皆が知らないその正体は!?What is his true identity nobody knows!?
さあさあ呼んでみようC'mon, c'mon, let's try calling him
僕たちの正義のヒーローをOur hero of justice is...!
あなたのヒーローのなまえは?What is your hero's name?
「_ _ _ _ 」「_ _ _ _ 」
ライアーライダーライアーライダーLiar rider, liar rider
優しい虚言癖ヒーローさHe's a hero with a penchant for white lies
だけどライアーライダーライアーライダーbut liar rider, liar rider
僕はそんな正義大嫌いだ!I hate that kind of justice!
正体絶対不明ミステリアスでスペクトラムHis true identity is utterly obscured! He’s mysterious, a spectrum!
みんなが気になるその正体は!?Everyone is wondering: What is his true identity!?

I Wanna Be The Clock


作曲: ピクドさん

I Wanna Be The Clock 
板に魅了されたら片手が錆びついたWhen I was enthralled by the clock face, one of my hands rusted still.
積み重ねてく冤罪よこれがまかり通るか現在よFalse accusations keep piling up. Why are they going unpunished? They're right there.
夜だけが僕の味方でしたがそれはどーにもThe night was my only ally, yet even that, hopelessly-
灰になってしまうよturns to ashes.
新聞に僕は載ったりしないしI know I won't appear in the newspapers.
大得意のミドルフィンガーはささくれて痛いしMy excellent middle finger hurts because it's splintered.
腐り落ちてしまうよI'm utterly falling into disrepair.
この世界は君が思ってるより冷たいねThis world is colder than you think, you know.

I Wanna Be The Clock

"I'll hold your hands."

Author: picdo

I Wanna Be The Clock 
板に魅了されたら片手が錆びついたWhen I was enthralled by the clock face, one of my hands rusted still.
積み重ねてく冤罪よこれがまかり通るか現在よFalse accusations keep piling up. Why are they going unpunished? They're right there.
夜だけが僕の味方でしたがそれはどーにもThe night was my only ally, yet even that, hopelessly-
灰になってしまうよturns to ashes.
新聞に僕は載ったりしないしI know I won't appear in the newspapers.
大得意のミドルフィンガーはささくれて痛いしMy excellent middle finger hurts because it's splintered.
腐り落ちてしまうよI'm utterly falling into disrepair.
この世界は君が思ってるより冷たいねThis world is colder than you think, you know.



作曲: ピクドさん

知覚過敏Dentin Hypersensitivity
あ゛あ゛あ (憤慨)A-a-ah! (Indignation!)
痛い たい たいや!It hu-hu-hurts!
歯が痛い!My teeth hurt!
チョコレートを食べるとWhen I eat chocolate
歯が痛い!my teeth hurt!
これは何かの罰か?What kind of punishment is this?
何かやったか?What did I to to deserve this?
教えてくれよ 神様!God, please tell me!
マジ 痛い たい たいよ!They seriously hu-hu-hurt!
歯が痛い!My teeth hurt!
グミとかアイス食うとI eat things like gummies and icecream and
マジ痛い!my teeth seriously hurt!
ホント誰か助けてReally, somebody help me!
もう少しだけLet me eat just a little bit
おいしく食べさせてof delicious food!

Dentin Hypersensitivity

"Help meee!"

Author: picdo

知覚過敏Dentin Hypersensitivity
あ゛あ゛あ (憤慨)A-a-ah! (Indignation!)
痛い たい たいや!It hu-hu-hurts!
歯が痛い!My teeth hurt!
チョコレートを食べるとWhen I eat chocolate
歯が痛い!my teeth hurt!
これは何かの罰か?What kind of punishment is this?
何かやったか?What did I to to deserve this?
教えてくれよ 神様!God, please tell me!
マジ 痛い たい たいよ!They seriously hu-hu-hurt!
歯が痛い!My teeth hurt!
グミとかアイス食うとI eat things like gummies and icecream and
マジ痛い!my teeth seriously hurt!
ホント誰か助けてReally, somebody help me!
もう少しだけLet me eat just a little bit
おいしく食べさせてof delicious food!



作曲: ハサキトオルさん

ゼンニンモドキPseudo-Good Person
遠くで鳴ってるサイレンをSirens are roaring in the distance and
きみは笑って茶化してたyou're laughing at and making fun of them.
道徳ばっかり反省会Morals are always under review,
ぼくは笑ってごまかしたI laughed at them and faked mine.
「だれも悪くない」"It's nobody's fault."
「お互い様」"We're both to blame."
お決まりの免罪符The usual excuses.
だれも見ていないNobody is seeing
咎められないor can question
繰り返す免罪符my repeated excuses.
まともな道を歩めるのはI can walk the right path
やさしいふりができるから  (ぱ)Because I can pretend to be kind (Every time)
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイI pretend to be a good person every, every, every time!
置いて行かないでねPlease don't leave me here!
いまも泣いてるよI'm still crying
だれもいない部屋でin my empty room!
だからSo like I told you,
セイジンクンシ=ライライライperfect people = lie, lie, lie!
惑わされないでねDon't mislead me!
嗚呼  ずっと悪人でいたんだAah, I was always a bad person!
かなしみばっかり増えてゆきMy sorrow just continues to grow and
だれも悟ってくれませんnobody bothers to acknowledge it.
あれこれ言っては角が立ちSomething or another is said, the worst of me gets set off and
だれも守ってくれませんnobody bothers to defend me.
やんなっちゃうな……Ugh, I kinda hate it......
だれかの所為にしたいI want to blame it on someone else,
そう言ってもBut even if I say that
ぼくにはできやしない!I really can't do it!
あれからSince then I'm
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイpretending to a good person every, every, every time!
安寧を謳ったエイティーンEighteen-year-olds declared public peace.
いつか愛せるの?Could I learn to love them someday?
嫌いなあの日々をThose days I hate so much.
みんなEveryone is
セイジンクンシ?  ナイナイナイperfect people? No, no, no!
もうだれにも話せないみたいIt feels like I can’t talk to anybody anymore,
ねえずっと友達でいたいよplease, I want to stay friends forever!
ぼくらWe are
ゼンニンモドキ  バイバイバイsaying bye, bye, bye to pretending to be a good person.
そう  善人なんていないYeah, there are no good people here.
いまもないてるのAnd I'm still crying.
サイレンは鳴ってるSirens are roaring.
だからLike I said,
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイI pretend to be a good person every, every, every time!
置いて行かないでねPlease don't leave me here!
いまは泣いてるよI’m crying right now, you know!
きみのいない部屋でIn this room empty of you.
セイジンクンシ  愛愛愛perfect people will love, love, love-
そんな人がいたとしたらWhat if someone like that actually existed?
嗚呼  ずっと憧れだったAah, I’ve always longed for that,
きっと忘れなかったI’m sure I didn’t forget
いっとう遠くのきみなんだAbout you, my most distant person!

Zennin Modoki

"Truly good people can't be found anywhere!"

Author: Hasaki Tooru

ゼンニンモドキPseudo-Good Person
遠くで鳴ってるサイレンをSirens are roaring in the distance and
きみは笑って茶化してたyou're laughing at and making fun of them.
道徳ばっかり反省会Morals are always under review,
ぼくは笑ってごまかしたI laughed at them and faked mine.
「だれも悪くない」"It's nobody's fault."
「お互い様」"We're both to blame."
お決まりの免罪符The usual excuses.
だれも見ていないNobody is seeing
咎められないor can question
繰り返す免罪符my repeated excuses.
まともな道を歩めるのはI can walk the right path
やさしいふりができるから  (ぱ)Because I can pretend to be kind (Every time)
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイI pretend to be a good person every, every, every time! [1]
置いて行かないでねPlease don't leave me here!
いまも泣いてるよI'm still crying
だれもいない部屋でin my empty room!
だからSo like I told you,
セイジンクンシ=ライライライperfect people = lie, lie, lie!
惑わされないでねDon't mislead me!
嗚呼  ずっと悪人でいたんだAah, I was always a bad person!
かなしみばっかり増えてゆきMy sorrow just continues to grow and
だれも悟ってくれませんnobody bothers to acknowledge it.
あれこれ言っては角が立ちSomething or another is said, the worst of me gets set off and
だれも守ってくれませんnobody bothers to defend me.
やんなっちゃうな……Ugh, I kinda hate it......
だれかの所為にしたいI want to blame it on someone else,
そう言ってもBut even if I say that
ぼくにはできやしない!I really can't do it!
あれからSince then I'm
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイpretending to a good person every, every, every time!
安寧を謳ったエイティーンEighteen-year-olds declared public peace.
いつか愛せるの?Could I learn to love them someday?
嫌いなあの日々をThose days I hate so much.
みんなEveryone is
セイジンクンシ?  ナイナイナイperfect people? No, no, no!
もうだれにも話せないみたいIt feels like I can’t talk to anybody anymore,
ねえずっと友達でいたいよplease, I want to stay friends forever!
ぼくらWe are
ゼンニンモドキ  バイバイバイsaying bye, bye, bye to pretending to be a good person.
そう  善人なんていないYeah, there are no good people here.
いまもないてるのAnd I'm still crying.
サイレンは鳴ってるSirens are roaring.
だからLike I said,
ゼンニンモドキ  マイマイマイI pretend to be a good person every, every, every time!
置いて行かないでねPlease don't leave me here!
いまは泣いてるよI’m crying right now, you know!
きみのいない部屋でIn this room empty of you.
セイジンクンシ  愛愛愛perfect people will love, love, love-
そんな人がいたとしたらWhat if someone like that actually existed?
嗚呼  ずっと憧れだったAah, I’ve always longed for that,
きっと忘れなかったI’m sure I didn’t forget
いっとう遠くのきみなんだAbout you, my most distant person!


[1] - マイマイマイ (maimaimai) also sounds like 舞舞 (Snail), which is why the character in the video has a snail themed outfit!


作曲: なみぐるさん

戻るボタンBack Button
嗚呼  知らない  知らない   ことばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
君の  気持ち  わからないI don't understand your feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 言葉紡ぐI only weave words using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
堕ちていくのI keep falling into
深い夢の中にthe depths of a deep dream.
混ざりあったThey got mixed up,
嘘と本当の気持ち  境界線が溶けてくmy fake and real feelings. The boundary line dissolves.
あの日貰った  言葉をずっと  依り代にしてI had completely accepted the words given to me by the spirit that day
それが本当かなんて  愛情かなんて  どうにもわからなくてIs it true? Is it love? I don't understand it at all!
汚い  大人の  嘘であればIf it’s a dirty adult lie
嗚呼   ライ麦畑でつかまえて!Ahh, the catcher in the rye!
嗚呼  知らない  知らない   ことばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
君の  気持ち  わからないI don't understand your feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 言葉紡ぐI only weave words using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
戻れないI can't go back,
押せない  押せない  戻るボタンはI can't press, I can't press the back button,
あの日の  景色を  映せないI can't look back and project that day's scenery
不可逆の  想い出  色褪せた そのドットでIrreversible memories faded away.
何を映す?What is it that’s projected in those dots?
触れてみたいのI'm trying to touch you
かじかむ指先にwith my fingertips growing cold.
重ねあったWe put them on top of one another,
君と僕の手と手に  気持ち溢れていくyou and me, hand in hand—my feelings keep overflowing.
幸せだった  この日をずっと  想い出にしてI was happy. I will always keep these days in my memories.
それが衝動かなんて  同情かなんて  もう  どうだっていいよIs it an impulse? Is it sympathy? Dammit, it’s whatever!
儚い  刹那の  嘘であればIf that fleeting moment was a lie then
世界を  壊してくれDestroy the world!
嗚呼  知らない  知らない  事ばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
ボクの  気持ち  わからないI don't understand my feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 記憶紡ぐI only weave memories using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
戻れないI can't go back,
押せない  押せない  戻るボタンはI can't press, I can't press the back button,
あの日の  景色を  映せないI can't look back and project that day's scenery
不可逆の  想い出  色褪せた そのドットでIrreversible memories faded away.
何を映す?What is it that’s projected in those dots?

Back Button

Author: namigroove

戻るボタンBack Button
嗚呼  知らない  知らない   ことばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
君の  気持ち  わからないI don't understand your feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 言葉紡ぐI only weave words using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
堕ちていくのI keep falling into
深い夢の中にthe depths of a deep dream.
混ざりあったThey got mixed up,
嘘と本当の気持ち  境界線が溶けてくmy fake and real feelings. The boundary line dissolves.
あの日貰った  言葉をずっと  依り代にしてI had completely accepted the words given to me by the spirit that day [1]
それが本当かなんて  愛情かなんて  どうにもわからなくてIs it true? Is it love? I don't understand it at all!
汚い  大人の  嘘であればIf it’s a dirty adult lie
嗚呼   ライ麦畑でつかまえて!Ahh, the catcher in the rye! [2]
嗚呼  知らない  知らない   ことばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
君の  気持ち  わからないI don't understand your feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 言葉紡ぐI only weave words using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
戻れないI can't go back,
押せない  押せない  戻るボタンはI can't press, I can't press the back button,
あの日の  景色を  映せないI can't look back and project that day's scenery
不可逆の  想い出  色褪せた そのドットでIrreversible memories faded away. [3]
何を映す?What is it that’s projected in those dots?
触れてみたいのI'm trying to touch you
かじかむ指先にwith my fingertips growing cold.
重ねあったWe put them on top of one another,
君と僕の手と手に  気持ち溢れていくyou and me, hand in hand—my feelings keep overflowing.
幸せだった  この日をずっと  想い出にしてI was happy. I will always keep these days in my memories.
それが衝動かなんて  同情かなんて  もう  どうだっていいよIs it an impulse? Is it sympathy? Dammit, it’s whatever!
儚い  刹那の  嘘であればIf that fleeting moment was a lie then
世界を  壊してくれDestroy the world!
嗚呼  知らない  知らない  事ばかりだAah, I don't know, I don't know anything about this!
ボクの  気持ち  わからないI don't understand my feelings!
0と1  だけの  2粒の記号で 記憶紡ぐI only weave memories using 2granular symbols: 0 and 1.
戻れないI can't go back,
押せない  押せない  戻るボタンはI can't press, I can't press the back button,
あの日の  景色を  映せないI can't look back and project that day's scenery
不可逆の  想い出  色褪せた そのドットでIrreversible memories faded away. [3]
何を映す?What is it that’s projected in those dots?


[1] - The "spirit" here is a 依り代 (Yorishiro) an object made into a vessel for spirits.[2] - Literally the title of the book The Catcher in the Rye. In the novel to “catch someone in the rye” is to save their innocence.[3] - 不可逆 (Irreversible) is spelled using the characters in KAFU's (可不) name, who sings this song!



作曲: なみぐるさん

墨流しPaper Marbling
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
変わりゆく 水の色My heart changes with
私の心も 移ろいでthe water's ever-shifting hues.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
愛されたいのに愛されないI want to be loved but I'm not loved.
満たされたいのに満たされないI want to be fulfilled but I'm not fulfilled.
現実は 理想の裏返しMy reality is the opposite of the ideal.
愛されたいのに愛されないI want to be loved but I'm not loved.
満たされたいのに満たされないI want to be fulfilled but I'm not fulfilled.
潮流は 想いを翻しMy emotions are turned by the tides.
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
変わりゆく 水の色My heart changes with
私の心も 移ろいでthe water's ever-shifting hues.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
あいうえおA I U E O
かきくけこKa Ki Ku Ke Ko
さしすせそSa Shi Su Se So
たちつてとTa Chi Tsu Te To
なにぬねのNa Ni Nu Ne No
はひふへほHa Hi Hu He Ho
まみむめもMa Mi Mu Me Mo
やゆよYa Yu Yo
らりるれろRa Ri Ru Re Ro
わをんWa Wo N
──────全ては始まりへと帰結する──────In the end it all comes back to the beginning.

Paper Marbling

"I spill ink on this world's vast surface."

Author: namigroove

墨流しPaper Marbling
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
変わりゆく 水の色My heart changes with
私の心も 移ろいでthe water's ever-shifting hues.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
愛されたいのに愛されないI want to be loved but I'm not loved.
満たされたいのに満たされないI want to be fulfilled but I'm not fulfilled.
現実は 理想の裏返しMy reality is the opposite of the ideal.
愛されたいのに愛されないI want to be loved but I'm not loved.
満たされたいのに満たされないI want to be fulfilled but I'm not fulfilled.
潮流は 想いを翻しMy emotions are turned by the tides.
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
黒に黒に黒に 染まっていくI dye it black, it black, it black and
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
変わりゆく 水の色My heart changes with
私の心も 移ろいでthe water's ever-shifting hues.
この広い水面に墨を垂らすI spill ink on this water's vast surface.
あいうえおA I U E O
かきくけこKa Ki Ku Ke Ko
さしすせそSa Shi Su Se So
たちつてとTa Chi Tsu Te To
なにぬねのNa Ni Nu Ne No
はひふへほHa Hi Hu He Ho
まみむめもMa Mi Mu Me Mo
やゆよYa Yu Yo
らりるれろRa Ri Ru Re Ro
わをんWa Wo N
──────全ては始まりへと帰結する──────In the end it all comes back to the beginning.


作曲: なみぐるさん

あなたは世界の終わりにずんだを食べるのだYou Will Eat Zunda At The End Of The World
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
ずんちゃZunda, let's go!
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world
ここはどこ  わたしはだあれ"Where am I? Who am I?"
無人の駅で  あなたは泣くYou cry out in an abandoned train station.
無尽蔵に  吐き出されたAn endless supply of it was spat at you
星を  眺めながらwhile you gazed at the stars.
滅びゆく  世界の中でIn a world that is disappearing
凍りつく  息を吐きながらyou freeze while you exhale
宇宙人に  差し出されたyou will eat zunda
ずんだ  を食べるのだpresented to you by an alien.
---・-\s\s・・\s\s・-・-・\s\s-・\s\s・・\s\s・---(you will eat zunda)
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
-・\s\s・\s\s・・\s\s-・--・\s\s・・--\s\s-・\s\s・・(at the end of the world)
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda.

You Will Eat Zunda At The End Of The World

Author: namigroove

あなたは世界の終わりにずんだを食べるのだYou Will Eat Zunda At The End Of The World
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
ずんちゃZunda, let's go!
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world
ここはどこ  わたしはだあれ"Where am I? Who am I?"
無人の駅で  あなたは泣くYou cry out in an abandoned train station.
無尽蔵に  吐き出されたAn endless supply of it was spat at you
星を  眺めながらwhile you gazed at the stars.
滅びゆく  世界の中でIn a world that is disappearing
凍りつく  息を吐きながらyou freeze while you exhale
宇宙人に  差し出されたyou will eat zunda
ずんだ  を食べるのだpresented to you by an alien.
---・-\s\s・・\s\s・-・-・\s\s-・\s\s・・\s\s・---(you will eat zunda)
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
-・\s\s・\s\s・・\s\s-・--・\s\s・・--\s\s-・\s\s・・(at the end of the world)
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda
ずんだを  食べるのだat the end of the world.
あなたは  世界の終わりにYou will eat zunda.



作曲: なみぐるさん

ずんだダンシングZunda Dancing
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun-zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
ずんだ  えだまめ  まめもやしZunda, edamame, bean sprouts,
もやもや  まめまめ  だいずえだまめSoybean sprouts, soybean edamame.
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
だいず  えだまめ  まめもやしSoybean edamame, bean sprouts,
まめまめ  もやもや  ずんだえだまめBeans, soybean sprouts, zunda edamame.
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
日が浴びたいな  あそれI want to bask in sunlight~ (Uhuh)
水が欲しいな  あそれI want some water~ (Uhuh)
ふつうじゃないなIt's not normal
アンアンアンコモン  HO!!!Un-un-uncommon HO!!!
ふやけたずんだ  あそれI was soggy zunda (Uhuh)
しなびたずんだ  それそれI was shriveled zunda (That's it, uhuh)
スパイスずんだSpice zunda
カッカッカルダモン  HO!!!Ca-ca-cardamon HO!!
Everybody  say  HO!!!Everybody say HO!!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
広がる  豆の香りSpreading the scent of beans
Everybody  say  HO!!!Everybody say HO!!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
忘れられない  そのメロディThe unforgettable melody
ヘイカモン!Hey come on!
いつまでもI can't dance
さやの中じゃin the bean pod
のだ!That's it!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ZUNZUN  HO!!!Zunda zun-zun ZUNZUN HO!!

Zunda Dancing

"zunda \(・ω・\) zun (/・ω・)/"

Author: namigroove

ずんだダンシングZunda Dancing
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun-zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
ずんだ  えだまめ  まめもやしZunda, edamame, bean sprouts,
もやもや  まめまめ  だいずえだまめSoybean sprouts, soybean edamame.
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
だいず  えだまめ  まめもやしSoybean edamame, bean sprouts,
まめまめ  もやもや  ずんだえだまめBeans, soybean sprouts, zunda edamame.
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun, zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ずんずんHO!!!Zundazun-zun, zun-zun HO!!!
日が浴びたいな  あそれI want to bask in sunlight~ (Uhuh)
水が欲しいな  あそれI want some water~ (Uhuh)
ふつうじゃないなIt's not normal
アンアンアンコモン  HO!!!Un-un-uncommon HO!!! [1]
ふやけたずんだ  あそれI was soggy zunda (Uhuh)
しなびたずんだ  それそれI was shriveled zunda (That's it, uhuh)
スパイスずんだSpice zunda
カッカッカルダモン  HO!!!Ca-ca-cardamon HO!! [1]
Everybody  say  HO!!!Everybody say HO!!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
広がる  豆の香りSpreading the scent of beans [2]
Everybody  say  HO!!!Everybody say HO!!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
忘れられない  そのメロディThe unforgettable melody
ヘイカモン!Hey come on!
いつまでもI can't dance
さやの中じゃin the bean pod
のだ!That's it!
ずんだダンシングZunda dancing
ずずんだずん  ずずんだずんZunda zun zunda zun
ずずんだずんずん  ZUNZUN  HO!!!Zunda zun-zun ZUNZUN HO!!


[1] - Uncommon and Cardamon are the two Zundamon recolors in the video![2] - A reference to the Pokémon move Sweet Scent.



作曲: なみぐるさん

モノレールにも乗れないI can't even ride the monorail
やばいOh no
やばいOh no
や~ばいOh noooooo
や~ばいよI messed up!
乗り過ごした!I missed my train stop!
快速電車に乗っちゃってI accidentally got on the express train
目的地通り過ぎてくthat goes past my destination!
モノレールにも乗れないI can’t even take the monorail
こんな私にも欲しい音楽があるのI'm such a goof, I wanted to listen to music there!
快速電車に乗っちゃってI accidentally got on the express train
目的地通り過ぎてくthat goes past my destination!
戻りの電車は キキララコラボThe return train has a Little Twin Stars collaboration
真下にセブンスターand there's a pack of Seven Stars cigarettes right underneath me.
(yabai)(I messed up)

I can't even ride the monorail

"[For all those that may be attending M3]
Please take note that the Tokyo monorail's 'Express Airport' service does not stop at the Ryutsu Center Station."

Author: namigroove

モノレールにも乗れないI can't even ride the monorail
やばいOh no
やばいOh no
や~ばいOh noooooo
や~ばいよI messed up!
乗り過ごした!I missed my train stop!
快速電車に乗っちゃってI accidentally got on the express train
目的地通り過ぎてくthat goes past my destination!
モノレールにも乗れないI can’t even take the monorail
こんな私にも欲しい音楽があるのI'm such a goof, I wanted to listen to music there!
快速電車に乗っちゃってI accidentally got on the express train
目的地通り過ぎてくthat goes past my destination!
戻りの電車は キキララコラボThe return train has a Little Twin Stars collaboration [1]
真下にセブンスターand there's a pack of Seven Stars cigarettes right underneath me.
(yabai)(I messed up)


[1] - Refers to the Sanrio characters, Kiki and Lala, also known as the Little Twin Stars.



作曲: STEAKAさん

六角形のカフカHexagonal Kafka
羽もぎって端に繋いで  外へ持っていかないようにTearing off my wings and joining them at the ends so I won’t go towards the outside.
開かないでまた結んで  千切れることのないようにClosing my hands and never opening them up so I don't unwind.
騒ぎ出して思い出して  自殺点に溺れないようにMaking an uproar, remembering, so I won't wallow in self-sabotage.
デザイナー監修の完全最新作The perfect, latest work supervised by its designer.
六角形のカフカHexagonal Kafka
君だけに愛の輪  喉まで繋ぎたいI want to tie the loop of my love, only for you, up to my throat.
絶対に関係ないフリで笑う奴に詰めたいI want to corner that guy that laughs, pretending there is absolutely no connection.
崩れ去る恋も吐いて夜まで叫びたいI want to cry out until night falls, spitting out my completely collapsing affection.
絶対に関係ない罪で笑う君を嵌めたいI want to fuck you, who laughs because it's your fault that there is absolutely no connection.
崩れ行く宵の輪  夢もまだ冷たいMy evening loop continues to crumble and even my dreams are still cold.
結局また握ったまま浅い眠りが終わるIn the end, my light sleep ends with me holding on.

Hexagonal Kafka

"Usually not hexagonal.
A young genius changed the world."

Author: STEAKA

六角形のカフカHexagonal Kafka
羽もぎって端に繋いで  外へ持っていかないようにTearing off my wings and joining them at the ends so I won’t go towards the outside.
開かないでまた結んで  千切れることのないようにClosing my hands and never opening them up so I don't unwind. [1]
騒ぎ出して思い出して  自殺点に溺れないようにMaking an uproar, remembering, so I won't wallow in self-sabotage.
デザイナー監修の完全最新作The perfect, latest work supervised by its designer.
六角形のカフカHexagonal Kafka
君だけに愛の輪  喉まで繋ぎたいI want to tie the loop of my love, only for you, up to my throat.
絶対に関係ないフリで笑う奴に詰めたいI want to corner that guy that laughs, pretending there is absolutely no connection.
崩れ去る恋も吐いて夜まで叫びたいI want to cry out until night falls, spitting out my completely collapsing affection.
絶対に関係ない罪で笑う君を嵌めたいI want to fuck you, who laughs because it's your fault that there is absolutely no connection.
崩れ行く宵の輪  夢もまだ冷たいMy evening loop continues to crumble and even my dreams are still cold.
結局また握ったまま浅い眠りが終わるIn the end, my light sleep ends with me holding on.


[1] - Refers to the children's game “Hiraite Musunde” where you close and open your hands.


作曲: シオヒリエさん

嘘泣きだ  不埒な能書きだIt's fake tears, it's indecent bragging.
裏切りか嘘か  知らないんだA betrayal? A lie? I just don't care.
北風介し  まだ味方に見えた春はThrough the northern winds, the spring that seemed to be my ally is now
蚊帳の中かunder a mosquito net, huh?
もう誰彼  遅かれだとBy now, everyone’s been able
気付けた脳裏to know in their minds that it’s too late.
ただ姦しいし  浅ましい  この街にもThis town is just too noisy and embarrassing.
ただ薪をくべたいだけI just wanna throw more wood into that fire.
嘘泣きだ  不埒な音楽だIt's fake tears, it's indecent music.
偽物か恋か  知らないんだA sham? A crush? I just don't care.
北風介し  まだ味方に見えた春はThrough the northern winds, the spring that seemed to be my ally is now,
蚊帳の中といえin the loop—say it!
君は踊ってYou’re dancing.


Author: shiohiirie

嘘泣きだ  不埒な能書きだIt's fake tears, it's indecent bragging.
裏切りか嘘か  知らないんだA betrayal? A lie? I just don't care.
北風介し  まだ味方に見えた春はThrough the northern winds, the spring that seemed to be my ally is now
蚊帳の中かunder a mosquito net, huh? [1]
もう誰彼  遅かれだとBy now, everyone’s been able
気付けた脳裏to know in their minds that it’s too late.
ただ姦しいし  浅ましい  この街にもThis town is just too noisy and embarrassing.
ただ薪をくべたいだけI just wanna throw more wood into that fire.
嘘泣きだ  不埒な音楽だIt's fake tears, it's indecent music.
偽物か恋か  知らないんだA sham? A crush? I just don't care.
北風介し  まだ味方に見えた春はThrough the northern winds, the spring that seemed to be my ally is now,
蚊帳の中といえin the loop—say it! [1]
君は踊ってYou’re dancing.


[1] - This phrase is the opposite of 蚊帳の外, meaning both "in the loop" and literally "in the mosquito net."To my interpretation, it's meant to be a bit of wordplay while carrying the theme of changing seasons in the song!